Monday, June 27, 2005

Sweets for sweet news

Pamphlet picture
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.

Rich Bike
Lokesh driving
Enormous Grasshopper
Lokesh went and bought some Koya Burfi to share with his family and friends and to celebrate the new bike that he and I bought, also today. It is a Honda Unicorn. 150 cc four stroke single cylinder engine. It has a front disk brake and a monoshock on the rear suspension. While we were out and about on the bike, I saw this enormous grasshopper.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Elephant at Iffco Chowk

Elephant at Iffco Chowk
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.

I used to be terrified of this corner. They are building a flyover here, and for good reason. A major Indian highway between Delhi and Jaipur meets 3 other roads here. There is no signal. Usually a policeman that everyone ignores will be here. A few weeks ago, they moved the whole intersection down a bit. Now you merge twice and pull a u turn. It is indescribably safer.
The kids at the orphanage taught me a new word, "chipkali," because there was one (a house gecko) on the wall one of the times I was there. There was also a rubber one which provided endless entertainment for some at the expense of strong reactions from others. We had noticed them at our apartment, and found them less objectionable then all of the ants.
I went to church yesterday and played Be Thou My Vision on my guitar while one of the kids from FISSH played flute. We were in tune (thanks Carolyn) and I thought we sounded pretty good. I was extremely nervous as usual. I have 2 Sundays left now before home time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

City Club

City Club
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
I was feeling a little homesick, and looking at a slideshow of our pictures, and I came across this one that I hadn't blogged of Lokesh, Ben and Joel. Last night I went to the city club and rowed, and had some veg spring roll and sweet lime soda afterwards in the snack bar. The waiter went across to the main restaurant to get me some green mustard type suace to have them with. I bought some lychee too, when I was out looking for a thank-you card. I didn't find a thank-you card though. A lot of stores are closed Monday.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day

Old Johnson

Ben Jeep Lake
Joel Dianne Lake
Laura Boating
Myles Boating

Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Hi Dad:

I thought I would put something macho out here for Father's day (thanks Al). It's also some gloriously uncontained water, which I know that you like, and thought that you might appreciate after having to go back and fix a small leak on the new toilet bowl that you installed for the Waterloo Hildreds. It made me feel much better about similar small leaks that I have experienced when the guy that installed our water heater had to come back and fix a pin-hole a while back. I am sorry that I had so much advice about where the leak might be coming from. I really just miss being able to show my love for my family by fixing things for them that break. Thanks for your patience with me on the phone and for showing them your love in that way.
I had a good father's day, communicating with all 4 of our kids in some way. I even talked to Myles when I called Al. I also talked to some fine young people at the orphanage, when I went over there to drop off some more stuff after church. These pictures are some old ones from Corbett (also showing gloriously uncontained water) and some of AL's along the same theme. Tell Uncle Norm happy father's day and that Lokesh and I saw a Holstien Bull in the road on my way to work. One of the Ontario volunteers at the orphanage this week is from by Sarnia in dairy country and I was thinking it was probably close to where Eric was. She was telling me about seeing Holstiens in India and the very next day I saw one too. Too bad there are no canoe pictures. Hopefully you and I will be able to squeak in some of those together later in the summer!
Love Rich

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Southern Manitoba Gang

hi dad ,
... i'm having lots of fun , i have a day off on saturday and i have a crew coming in on sunday . i miss you lot and i hope you have a wicked awesome father's day in india . i'm not in northern ontario any more , i'm in southern manitoba , doing maintenance and paddling . it's been good and tons of fun and lots of hard work . the population of bisset is around 75 so we are a huge part of it . ... i live in a staff cabvin which has its own washroom and shower and we do laundry in town and i portaged a canoe from scout lake to base today. the cabin is pretty ... with carpet and stuff . we went to the br (beverage room ) a couple days ago and we're just getting ready for national inspection so lots of maintenance . i loved the states and we might get some americans to come here ,which would be sweet because some of the american staff are cute , ... . i have made a lot of good friends
i love all of you including ben and joel

love christine

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Northern Ontario Gang

Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.

Street Gang
Urszula Tokarska on Mount Everest.
I got a nice mail from two members of my Northern Ontario Gang this morning. From Al Lockhart, my childhood friend:

Took off to Penage lake Rd. about 9am this morning to pick up the Leavens so I would have lots of time to do the chores and still get on the water. The trailer transfer went well and we were home by 10:45.
Groceries were shopped for, back lawn was cut then I got a chance to play (front lawn was done after fun guy needs a break ya know). The biggest running motor I currently own is a 56 30hp Evinrude manual start. I hung it on the transom, that is a bit soft in places but certainly good enough for a 100lb motor, (though I think I will wait until I get the boat done up before the 60hp Gale gets hung on it). I headed to Whitson lake and dropped her in, thankfully water didn't come rushing in as I had remembered to install the plug. The boat was in the water for about an hour and it didn't leak a single drop!! not bad for a 45 year old boat. The Evinrude was spinning a Bronze prop and had plenty of oomph to push the boat along at a decent clip at full throttle with Myles and I in the boat.
Here are some pics I am going to clean up the windshield and hardware and get it on soon as it looks great.

And from Christine:

hey guys
what's up? i just got back from the states today because i was in ely visiting that base , it was an amazing time and i met a lot of nice american boys and girls . i've been packing to go up to bisset tommorow because that 's where i'll be working all summer long and later tonight , i'm going to have a sauna . there was a bear near the cabins today , it was a yearling and we saw a deer on the ride home .we also went to walmart in fort frances .
anyway , have an awesome week and love you all a lot

I had a good quiet weekend, went out with Vinay and family to preview a club for a family birthday party. I dropped in on Shaji at the orphanage to give them the left over donuts from church, and he gave me an absolutely delicious lunch. A Brazilian stew with lamb on the bone, cabbage, potatoe and banana. Had a great talk with some 9 year old boys from the orphanage. They just came in from washing the car. We talked about cars, that I should come by and see them if I was ever lonely, and about Mount Everest and the highest peak on every other continent. They knew Asia and Africa, I just knew Asia. We talked about Urszula Tokarska, a polish born Torontonian who by reaching the summit of Everest on June 2nd has been on the highest spots on all 7 continents. One of them gave me a handicraft that he had made the last time that I was there and we talked about that. It was very humbling. He has so little and shares so much. I have so much and share so little. I ran in to Emmet, a kid just a few years older than Tim from Ottawa and Naresh's neighbour, last night when I was going for a walk. It cooled down last night a bit, and was quite pleasant for a walk.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Thinking of Southern Ontario

I usually try to read the CBC Toronto news everyday online from India. Right around the time that Srinivas and I usually have tea. Like many people from Southern Ontario, we have lots of fond memories of Barry as a stopping off point on the way up North. Dianne and I also met in Barry, where we worked at the Browndale Group homes (later named to Kinark). I have looked for runaway teens, right where the first picture was taken from. Dianne and I went to our first movie, and first held hands a little bit further towards downtown. Just last summer, we took Christine to the Royal Thai, not too far from there to celebrate her getting her driver's licence on the way up to camp. We have stopped at Centenial Park lots of times, and used to walk and barbecue there when we lived on Bradford Street. I was thinking of the boats at Centenial park, and apparently so was John Murden, whose prints I have linked to.

Indian Day

Indian Day
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Hi Dianne:

Looking good in Indian suit Madame! Lianne sent this to me to forward to you. I thought that you would have more luck with it on the blog. The L4 guys and I are off for some team-building this aft. Pity you can't come. Thanks for calling me this morning. Sorry that I couldn't talk. Srinivas and i just finished up around 11:30 our time.



Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Hello from Bisset Base

hey guys ,

i was just writing a quick email to you guys to say that i'm alright and having an amazing time .i just came off swamper which was a lot of fun and on saturday i'll be going to manitoba to work at the bisset base . i'm going to the states tommorow to go to the ely base

love christine

Sunday, June 05, 2005

After a quick Rain

This was the first weekend without Ben and Joel. Lokesh says that I need to find a new routine, now that they are gone, and I joked back, "One that doesn't include you waking me up every morning when you come to take me to work!" Lokesh took Saturday off this week too to visit his in laws, so I was on my own even for waking up and driving to work on Saturday. He had a great weekend and, "slept under the clouds," at his inlaw's farm which sounds quite beautiful. This blog entry is supposed to be about my weekend though.

Friday night, I had my regular conference call with Waterloo. I went to the gym after and then to the Galleria to pick up a pen. Dianne and I were continuously picking up pens, I bought some just after she left and the tradition seems to be continuing. I think that I tried out the hotplate in the apartment and made dried soup for supper.

Saturday I talked to Tim before driving myself to work and wrote a script to import historical data into a new system that I am hoping to implement before I go. After work, I went to the House of Peace, to show off my new guitar and fiddle with their computers and blog (which I have linked to). Claudia played my new guitar a bit, and sang. After she told me that Brazilian's don't play each other's guitars, but she played mine very well, especially when factoring in her beautiful singing voice. I brought the bongo along too and Shaji was playing it. It seems to have lost its sharp edge, and it doesn't hurt to play it anymore. They fed me very good chicken and some takeout non veg thali. I guess because of Diannes and my own group home experience, it feels like we have known Shaji and Caudia much longer than we actually have.

Sunday I drove myself to church. The sermon was given by an Indian gentleman, about mission being about helping the whole person and their situation. Kristen and I had a very good practice of Be Thou my Vision. The first time, we had trouble getting the guitar and piano in tune together, but thanks to Carolyn in Waterloo's advice I tuned the guitar to the piano first. Then when we played scales together we were already in tune. We got a little serendipitous surprise from the music. I was in such a hurry to print Kristen her music that I took it from a different version than the one that I ended up using on the guitar. Turns out that there are a couple of bars, of (I hope) nice counterpoint. On the way home, I was just thinking about there always beeing some joker driving on the right when sure enough that joker appeared in front of me, and I had to go around him. I got my Sunday afternoon nap, and when I woke up I noticed that I wasn't bathed in sweat, which brings me to the title of this entry.

There was also a wind blowing, so I put on my sun glasses that I bought with Christine at Mountain Equipment Co-op and walked over to the gym. It was very pleasant out. The wind, wasn't full of sand and dust like I expected, more like the wind in the trees on a lazy summer afternoon back home. While I was using the rowing machine on the second floor gym, I looked out of the window at the slum across the street. I was just thinking about the contrast between the City Club and the apartment and the area around it when someone started flying a kite in the cricket field between the club and the slum. It was such a joyful, glad to be alive kite, that I watched it the whole time I was finishing my rowing. After I was done excersizing I went into the outdoor part of the club and sat on the verandah and people watched for a bit. It was so pleasant out, and everything seemed this bright bright green. I got talking to the manager, and it was then that I found out while I was napping it rained a bit. The much cooler temperature was due to the water being evaporated from the rain. On the way out of the club, I ran into Naresh an NCR employee who lived upstairs from Dianne and the kids and I.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Russian born Canadian Miss Universe

I was in the Superintendent of Police office with Lokesh, getting leaving forms for Ben and Joel yesterday. There was a Hindi language newspaper and right on the front page was this picture of Miss Universe. She is huge news here. I went into the office, and the guys all told me that a Canadian had won too. It does make me kind of proud. I am proud that my country is made up of citizens born in many other countries. I am proud when people I know from other countries become Canadian citizens. I am proud that there are people from all over the world trying to, "raise awareness and money for HIV/AIDS research."

As I write this Joel and Ben are in the air on their way home. Dianne has been planning a welcome for them, involving lots of meat!