Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day

Old Johnson

Ben Jeep Lake
Joel Dianne Lake
Laura Boating
Myles Boating

Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Hi Dad:

I thought I would put something macho out here for Father's day (thanks Al). It's also some gloriously uncontained water, which I know that you like, and thought that you might appreciate after having to go back and fix a small leak on the new toilet bowl that you installed for the Waterloo Hildreds. It made me feel much better about similar small leaks that I have experienced when the guy that installed our water heater had to come back and fix a pin-hole a while back. I am sorry that I had so much advice about where the leak might be coming from. I really just miss being able to show my love for my family by fixing things for them that break. Thanks for your patience with me on the phone and for showing them your love in that way.
I had a good father's day, communicating with all 4 of our kids in some way. I even talked to Myles when I called Al. I also talked to some fine young people at the orphanage, when I went over there to drop off some more stuff after church. These pictures are some old ones from Corbett (also showing gloriously uncontained water) and some of AL's along the same theme. Tell Uncle Norm happy father's day and that Lokesh and I saw a Holstien Bull in the road on my way to work. One of the Ontario volunteers at the orphanage this week is from by Sarnia in dairy country and I was thinking it was probably close to where Eric was. She was telling me about seeing Holstiens in India and the very next day I saw one too. Too bad there are no canoe pictures. Hopefully you and I will be able to squeak in some of those together later in the summer!
Love Rich


Blogger Waterloo Hildreds said...

Hi Mom and Dad:

Joel told me that you got a new gasket. He was pleased to fix it with you and to be helping Mom with her internet. HE and Ben have job interviews on Friday at Wendy's



June 24, 2005 at 1:50 AM  

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