Sunday, June 12, 2005

Northern Ontario Gang

Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.

Street Gang
Urszula Tokarska on Mount Everest.
I got a nice mail from two members of my Northern Ontario Gang this morning. From Al Lockhart, my childhood friend:

Took off to Penage lake Rd. about 9am this morning to pick up the Leavens so I would have lots of time to do the chores and still get on the water. The trailer transfer went well and we were home by 10:45.
Groceries were shopped for, back lawn was cut then I got a chance to play (front lawn was done after fun guy needs a break ya know). The biggest running motor I currently own is a 56 30hp Evinrude manual start. I hung it on the transom, that is a bit soft in places but certainly good enough for a 100lb motor, (though I think I will wait until I get the boat done up before the 60hp Gale gets hung on it). I headed to Whitson lake and dropped her in, thankfully water didn't come rushing in as I had remembered to install the plug. The boat was in the water for about an hour and it didn't leak a single drop!! not bad for a 45 year old boat. The Evinrude was spinning a Bronze prop and had plenty of oomph to push the boat along at a decent clip at full throttle with Myles and I in the boat.
Here are some pics I am going to clean up the windshield and hardware and get it on soon as it looks great.

And from Christine:

hey guys
what's up? i just got back from the states today because i was in ely visiting that base , it was an amazing time and i met a lot of nice american boys and girls . i've been packing to go up to bisset tommorow because that 's where i'll be working all summer long and later tonight , i'm going to have a sauna . there was a bear near the cabins today , it was a yearling and we saw a deer on the ride home .we also went to walmart in fort frances .
anyway , have an awesome week and love you all a lot

I had a good quiet weekend, went out with Vinay and family to preview a club for a family birthday party. I dropped in on Shaji at the orphanage to give them the left over donuts from church, and he gave me an absolutely delicious lunch. A Brazilian stew with lamb on the bone, cabbage, potatoe and banana. Had a great talk with some 9 year old boys from the orphanage. They just came in from washing the car. We talked about cars, that I should come by and see them if I was ever lonely, and about Mount Everest and the highest peak on every other continent. They knew Asia and Africa, I just knew Asia. We talked about Urszula Tokarska, a polish born Torontonian who by reaching the summit of Everest on June 2nd has been on the highest spots on all 7 continents. One of them gave me a handicraft that he had made the last time that I was there and we talked about that. It was very humbling. He has so little and shares so much. I have so much and share so little. I ran in to Emmet, a kid just a few years older than Tim from Ottawa and Naresh's neighbour, last night when I was going for a walk. It cooled down last night a bit, and was quite pleasant for a walk.


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