Monday, February 19, 2007

Hi Grandma

Hi Grandma
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
I might have been a bit premature about saying that it isn't Christmas on this blog anymore. I got this picture today, and I thought that it is a very nice picture. It is from Ben's visit home from Whistler. Joel and I were talking about Ben coming back, an how he is looking forwards to it. I was telling him good-night and he was telling me good morning. I am still in India. Today, I was going to take another picture of a fountain with some pigeons, but they flew away before I could get my camera ready.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Foggy Day

A Foggy Day
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Actually just a foggy morning. Delhi is cooler than Mumbai, and I woke up Saturday to fog. I am in Delhi for the weekend. Flew down Friday night on one of India's discount airlines, Jet Airways. I had a lovely weekend. A bit of football with the kids where I was staying. A couple of duets with some that are learning the keyboard (I played guitar). A nice dinner out with my "brothers in arms," from the Gurgaon L4 team. Church Sunday morning, where I saw many of our friends, and then lunch at the Big Chill. I like going to lunch at the Big Chill with those guys. As I recall the point of the movie was that people should try to make a difference in the lives of their friends. I am very grateful for the difference that my friends and family have made in my life.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Man-made Lake

Man-made Lake
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Good morning from my speeding car, on the way to work. I figured that if I took enough pictures some of them would be bound to be ok. This one is my favorite. It is another beautiful morning. Yesterday, I started to make some progress at work.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Oh what a beautiful morning!

It was just like those guiltily beautiful July mornings, when you know that you will pay later in the day, because it is so hot, but the morning is so lovely. It seems that much of Mumbai is carved out of these black basalt hills or cuestas. Around the corner they had a rock cut, which they had screened, and were growing vines on. It was a better picture, but I was concerned about the road and my colleagues coming to work. This is the office where I am working these 2 weeks.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I made it back to India!

ITC Grand Maratha
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
It's not Christmas anymore on this blog!
I arrived in Mumbai last night at 11:20 their time. Today I have mostly slept, but I went out for a walk tonight with my camera and took some pictures.
It is fantastic to be here. I had biryani for supper, but it wasn't as good a Annama's(sorry if I misspelled your name while complimenting your biryani) in Waterloo. This reminds me of the reason that this India place has grown so much on me. The people!
I am looking forwards to meeting a new team in Mumbai tomorrow. I still hope to make Delhi arrangements for next weekend. Out of the blue, I got an email from John Vinod. He was the guy that came to our apartment with his family the first week that we were there.
So far other than the walk, I have mostly slept. Looking forwards to the 2 weeks here!