Monday, August 30, 2004


Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Tommorow is a good-bye barbecue with some colleagues and their families at Waterloo Park. The picture is me barbecueing for Anil at the boat. Dianne had some of her friends down for a barbecue lunch as well. It's been a cool summer, but I have been realizing my meat covered grill dreams!


Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Thursday the boys went to the CNE with friends Michael and Dan. We saw the high wire guy, had some good eats, and had a few rides. The girls went to see a performance of Chicago at Center in the Square.

mom at iona

mom at ion
Originally uploaded by Christine1.

Boat Sunset

Boat Sunset
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.

Pradip, Suchira and Dianne and I went to the boat this past Wednesday. The photo is from a previous Wednesday when the sunset was nicer, but we had a calm night, and came back in after it was quite dark. It was so peaceful on the lake. I struggled to get the motor going. Pradip tried too. It finally started for me when Suchira offered to help.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

We Got Visas (and Tickets)

Dianne, Ben and Joel and I went to the Indian consulate on Monday and had our visa interview. It was too late to pick up the visas on Monday so Christine and I came back for them Tuesday. On Monday we accidentally discovered the beltway rail trail. It crosses Young Street between Davisville and St Clair. Monday, Dianne, Ben, Joel and I had pasta lunch and went and got Christine at camp. Tuesday Christine and I went to MEC and bought some luggage. I thought it was Queen and Bathurst instead of King and Spadina, so we walked around a bit and were late for supper at Grandma and Grandpa's where the photo was taken. Leaving day is September the 3rd. Grandma, Grandpa and Christine for Thunderbay at supper time. Tim right after supper to Glasgow. Dianne, Ben, Joel and I to Delhi last.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Iona Pick Up

Iona Pick Up
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Today we had our interview for our visas, went out for lunch and got Christine at camp Iona. When we arrived the counselors were sleeping on the beach. Imagine! A week of teenagers was tiring them out. There is sometimes delicious irony in parenting. Thanks to the Edwards and Ice Dreams in Bala we came home with good wishes and well treated tummies.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Knox Church Waterloo

Knox Church Waterloo
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
We are blessed by our involvement in Knox Church. Each of us in the family has a good friend that also attends the church. On the side lawn of the church we attended barbecues when we first came to Waterloo. We have had a fun day with rented mini put, and little cars and hot dogs to welcome everyone back from summer holidays. The side lawn was good for hanging out with the kids on the last logos. Today we said goodbye to some of those friends for a year.
Church has been a real blessing in our lives from Sunday School onwards. A wise woman that I know got us going to church, after a few year break, when she was expecting Tim, and we have gone most Sundays ever since. The amount of support that we have felt when we were university age parents and through all of the ups and downs till our kids are university age themselves is indescribable. I have been correspondig with a minister in India and know that as people say good bye (for a year) to us in Waterloo, others will welcome us there.

Bicycling to work on a summer morning

Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Thinking about my code, daydreaming, listening to a headset radio bicycling along the bottom of Laurel Creek Conservation area on the way to NCR. I've camped there with the junior highs, with Joel one night that I got paged and spent the whole night on the phone. One time we camped there to watch the meteor shower, and I tried to memorize a new piece on the guitar. It is fantastic to bike past there to on my way to work. Lately I have been only biking once or twice a week. But still this morning was a beautiful summer morning. One time I saw an owl, a flicker and once I rode through there in a warm rain thunder storm that raised the hair on the back of my neck.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Wednesday Night Escape

Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
Dianne and I have been getting as much use as possible out of our 70s vintage Macgregor Venture 22x sailboat before we go. It is at Fifty Point Conservation Area between Hamilton and Grimsby. We often go down there on a Wednesday night. Dianne's Newfoundlander friend put us on to these vacuum packed fillets. We often barbecue one (10 minutes a side) wrapped in foil or one time we forgot and that worked ok as well. Usually we go out and watch the sunset from our boat if it is still.