Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Happy Easter
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds
I am writing this after a wonderful Easter weekend. Ben and I had a nice chat on MSN Thursday evening, he came home Friday and we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa H's on the way from picking him up at the bus. Grandma made awesome spaghetti, and she and I had a couple of duets after supper.

Saturday, Dianne and I got our MTO business taken care of and went for coffee. In the afternoon, I got an open source web server integrated with the same event loop that is used by the pidgin instant messenger client. What I want to do next is use pidgin and the web server to allow chats from web pages like Google chatback, but more seamlessly and with bots to do things like micro-blogging.

Sunday, Joel and I got up for the Sunrise Easter morning service in the park. As you can see from the picture we still have quite a bit of snow here. We had the Hedquists over for lunch, and Ben went back up to Barrie. He just came on MSN now, and let me know that he arrived.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

more snow

more snow
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds
We got 30 some cm of snow last week. Some of our neighbors have no where left to pile the snow. Sunday morning Don picked me up at 8:00 at the top of the street, and we played in church. Dianne had to listen to the radio because the car was stuck in our driveway till the plow came Sunday evening.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Dianne and Beamer in the Forest

Today we walked in Ashberry Park, behind our house. It was sunny and mild while I was shoveling earlier, but by this time it was a bit cold. Ben is home for reading week. On Tuesday he had his appendix out finally, and he is recovering well.

Rich at Central Park

Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds
Last week, went to Manhattan to visit with a potential customer from Thailand. I stayed an extra night to save some money, and wanted to. All during my meetings at the New York Sheridan it snowed like crazy. Saturday morning I got to go to Central Park. I took quite a few pictures, which you can see by clicking on this one.