Sunday, January 22, 2006

Brazil Sailing



Swimming back to the fleet

Jumping In


Fishing Boat

Slave Cave

Brazil Sailing
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds.
We have just returned from a week visiting Gurgaon friends Shaji and Claudia Stephen. They are the people that run the orphanage, that I made so many Blog entries about last spring and summer. We visited them in Claudia's hometown Salvador, Bahai, Brazil. We stayed at Claudia's parent's home. They added us to her lively and happy family. It was a lovely break from winter with boating, swimming in the ocean and some cultural tourism as well. They have an athletic dance, capoeira, with intricate drumming flips kicks and feets of strength that was amazing. As well Claudia's nieces bravely tried to teach Dianne and I Samba. I took my Guitallele (back pack guitar) and it was a real ice breaker between myself and Claudia's brother, pictured with Shaji, his sons and myself in the slave market basement. He was the one that taught Claudia guitar and he showed me some of his guitar heroes in the record store and I felt honoured that he took a day off to hang out with us. Two middle aged guys with late teens early twenties kids. Everything in common, but a language.


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