Sunday, April 27, 2008

Streets Of London

With Beamer
My Mom and I played Streets of London at the talent show Saturday night. It was a very good talent show. This morning the combo played in church. It was a lot of fun.

I spoke to Laura about Shaji and Claudia (pictured) talking with some Sunday school kids about their orphanage. I am still looking for networking opportunities for them.

Monday, April 21, 2008

they have tickets

Floral Clock
Shaji and Claudia run an orphanage in Gurgaon. We met them through mutual friends when we were there. We have kept in touch over the time since then, visiting them in Brazil and in the US as well as at the orphanage. Dianne and I felt that we already knew them on first meeting, because of our Browndale experience. Claudia reminds me of my old house-head.

I am really excited to show them Canada! I would also like to line up some networking opportunities for them, while they are here.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Beamer No Leash

Beamer No Leash
Originally uploaded by waterlooHildreds
Finally all the snow is gone, from Waterloo, although we woke this morning to a skiff of the white stuff. Thankfully it was melted in time for Beamer and Lucas to play in Lucas' back yard.

I have been spending a bit of time getting ready for and promoting our "Spring Fling" talent show on April 26th at 6:30 pm in the hall at Knox. Mom and I have been preparing a number.

Tim got his portable commercial espresso machine working a few weeks ago, and he is poised to become a barista as soon as his exams are done. I have been helping with his web site.